The bouvardia flower is a genus of 50 different species of flowers belonging to the Rubiaceae family or the Madder family. This flower comes in various colors and is a close relative of the gardenia flower. This herbaceous perennial shrub…
The bouvardia flower is a genus of 50 different species of flowers belonging to the Rubiaceae family or the Madder family. This flower comes in various colors and is a close relative of the gardenia flower. This herbaceous perennial shrub…
Browallia speciosa, commonly known as the amethyst flower, is a tropical shrub perennial native to Central and South America. Amethyst flowers grow well in sandy, clay, or loamy soil at neutral to acidic pH. This plant is usually found in…
A winter bulbous perennial plant native to the Mediterranean and parts of Asia and Africa, the Star of Bethlehem is similar to wild garlic. It belongs to the genus Ornithogalum of the Asparagaceae or lily family. Its scientific name is…
Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), or red pimpernel, a native plant of Europe that has been naturalized in various parts of the world, including North America, is considered a weed. The annual plant bears red or blue flowers. The scarlet pimpernel…
The artichoke is a perennial plant in the thistle group of the daisy family. Also known as Globe artichoke, French artichoke, or Greek artichoke, it is cultivated for its edible buds. The artichoke is domesticated from the wild plant cardoon,…
The cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) belongs to the botanical family Asteraceae and the genus Centaurea. The flower owes its name to the fact that, in the past, it often drew as a weed in the fields of arable crops, particularly cereal…
The gorse flower (Ulex europaeus) belongs to the family Fabaceae and the genus Ulex. It is also known under the common names furze, whin gorst, goss, frey, frys, furrs, furbush, prickly broom, and ruffet. Gorse is an evergreen, robust, spiny,…
Allium flowers or ornamental onions are a genus (Allium) of several hundred attractive flowering plants with spherical blooms. They belong to the family Amaryllidaceae. Allium flowers are bulbous, herbaceous perennial plants with specific garlic or onion odor from basal foliage….
The Queen Anne’s lace herb, also known as wild carrot, is a biennial wildflower herb found in many parts of the United States. Native to the European continent, the plant is now commonly found across the states of Michigan, Ohio,…
The orange blossom is the flower of orange tree varieties (mostly Citrus sinensis and Citrus aurantium)—citrus species in the family Rutaceae. The orange blossom flower owes its name to the Sanskrit word “naranga,” meaning “orange tree.” The even older root…