Miniature climbing roses are bred selectively so that they do not grow big in size. As compared to standard rose bushes, miniature roses are quite small in size. But, miniature climbing roses come in all kinds of colors and types just like their larger counterparts. Miniature roses are very hardy as compared to their larger counterparts. Miniature climbing roses are propagated by their own roots. These plants are not grafted on the roofstock. These kind of roses are very winter hardy as compared to other kinds or roses. They are repeat bloomers and give flowers profusely.
Miniature roses have been cultivated since the 17th century. Most of the How to miniature climbing roses are genetic mutations of China roses or old garden roses, that are native to Asia. These roses are best grown when they are planted in the spring season. Miniature climbing roses grow at a very fast pace and work well as garden edging or in a border. They also look great in garden containers as specimens. This way they can be truly appreciated and can be seen at the eye level.
Taking Care of Miniature Climbing Roses
Miniature climbing roses should be treated and grown in the same manner as you would grow regular size roses. The roots of miniature climbing roses are small too as compared to standard roses. Make sure you put mulch in the soil. Mulch helps to protect the plant from the hard cold winter. Along with protecting the roots from cold, mulch helps in the retention of moisture.
Miniature climbing roses like that type of soil which is loamy, well-drained, and rich. Miniature climbing roses are also an ideal choice for patio containers. If you are planning to plant these roses in the containers, then do not dig up soil from the garden. Garden soil requires too much watering. Garden soil is very heavy and thus you will need to water the plant a lot. It is better that you buy bags of potting soil. If you use garden soil, then it may suffocate the roots. Nutrient-rich and light soil drains well. This kind of soil will help root rot.
Miniature climbing roses need to be in constant touch of direct sunlight. So, you should plant them in an area that remains in direct exposure of sunlight. These plants should be places at the window that is south or west facing. To promote quick growth of the plant, you must rotate the plants once or two times in a week. The roses should receive at least six to eight hours of daily sunlight. This will keep the diseases at bay and will help the plant to bloom fully.
Miniature climbing roses need to have continuous supply of moisture content. The soil surface should not be dry. Whenever you feel the soil is dry to touch, make sure to water the plant. You must water the container until the water is drained out of the pot. The excess water should be discarded. The amount of water needed for your miniature roses depends on the weather and the soil. One inch of water should be provided to these roses as per the rule of thumb. Good watering helps in better root development.
Miniature climbing roses are not as sturdy as standard rose blossoms. Do not spray at the blooms directly as it will affect the delicate blooms. So, hose should be directed at the roof of the plant. Miniature climbing roses require more frequent watering as compared to the standard roses. This is due to the fact that miniature roses have smaller roots. Especially, when the temperature is extreme during summers, miniature roses need more moisture. Otherwise, the delicate blossoms will wither soon.
The miniature roses should be fertilized on a regular basis. Although, they do not need excess fertilization. Fertilizing once or twice a month is enough. Use a dilute fertilizer solution for the fertilization process. Rose can be heavy feeders sometimes. Regular fertilization is needed for miniature climbing roses because they bloom all year round. You can use a quality commercial rose food. An all-purpose fertilizer works wonderfully too. Make sure to read the label instructions carefully so that you apply the fertilizer well as needed.
The rose bushes should be fertilized when the roses have a heavy flush of blooms and also when the bush first leafs out. The roses should not be feeded for a period of six to eight weeks when the frost is about to arrive. This will help to discourage the killing of new growth during the winter.

Temperature and Humidity
Miniature climbing roses grow best in a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The minimum temperature that should be at night is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants should be protected from hot sources and cold drafts.
When the temperature outside is going to drop, then it would be best that you bring the plant indoors. They require medium humidity and direct sunlight like their full-size cousins. If you are growing these plants indoors, then supplemental humidity and lighting will be needed.
Pruning is necessary so that the plant grows fresh and additional stems. This also promoted the growth of blossoms. When the flowers start to fade, they should be removed. The uppermost five-leaflet leaf is the place where the plant should be cut. Any kind of dead growth or yellow leaves should be removed on a regular basis.
Late winter or early spring is the right time to prune the miniature roses. This is the period when the new growth of the rose starts to happen. Hard pruning is not necessary for miniature roses. Broken or dead wood should be pruned first. The, the one-third of the plant should be pruned. It will encourage new growth and will maintain the shape of the bush.
Miniature climbing roses should be monitored regularly for pests. When roses are grown indoors, there may be a chance of them being attacked by indoor mites. Insecticidal soap spray works great in controlling spider mites. In order to control spider mites completely, several applications are required.
Miniature roses can also be affected by a fungal disease called black spot. Powdery mildew is also a common problem in rose bushes. To avoid these kind of inflictions, make sure that plant have adequate air circulation. Thus, you must plant the bushes with a certain distance between them. Also, water the plant at base instead of watering at the overhead.
Detecting Miniature Climbing Roses
Miniature roses come in various kinds of varieties like full-grown roses. Majorly, miniature roses are categorized as climbers, trailers, and micro-mini roses. So, you must be aware of the varieties of climbing roses so that you buy the right one. Miniature climbing roses have a vertical growth pattern. These rose require supports to promote their growth in the upper direction like a vine. The size of the roses is what results into calling them miniature roses.
Overwintering Miniature Climbing Roses
You must prepare well your miniature climbing roses for winter. This is necessary so that this perennial bush does not get affected by the harsh climate. The hardiness zone and the age of the plant are some factors that affect the reaction of the plant to the weather. Overwintering of the plants is necessary to protect them from too much damage. This will prevent the plant from getting killed by deep freeze or heavy frost.
Collaring is the most useful method to prepare your rose bushes for overwintering. This involves removing all leaves from the surface of the bush. Then, the bush is twined and tied. The bush is surrounded by wire, which gives the bush the shapes of a collar. The, the collar is filled with the dried leaves that have fallen in the garden from various trees. Wrapping the bush with a layer of burlap will be a great idea. The crown and root zone of the plant must be covered with extra soil. Along with soil, straw or mulch can be used. This will help to insulate the roots of the bush from ice or heavy snow.
General Care
The miniature climbing roses can be placed in outer areas of the house in the month of May. You should acclimate the plant for the outer conditions by first placing the plants in a shaded area. Then, slowly and gradually start to expose the plant to longer durations of sunlight. When your miniature climbing roses become accustomed to the temperatures and light of outdoors for several days, you can place the plant on a sunny deck or patio.
You can plant miniature climbing roses both indoors and outdoors in garden. Miniature climbing roses are small in size, but they tend to be more cold hardy in the long run as compared to hybrid tea roses. You must select a site where the soil is fertile and is well-drained. Also, the area must receive good lighting.