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Flowers, like humans, have a variety of names that all begin with one of the alphabet’s many letters. The planet Venus is connected with the letter V. Venus was the goddess of love, charm, triumph, virtue, fertility, and other things in Roman mythology. In today’s article, we’ll identify and describe some of the flowers that start with v.

Vampire figures are repelled by a variety of plants, including the legendary Verbena, often known as vervain (in fictitious novels). Also in the list is Violet wood sorrel, a gorgeous and brave flower. Flowers that start with v have always stood out. Every home, garden, park, and other public space needs to be ornamented with lovely flowers.

Fill your garden beds with brilliantly colored flowering plants for a splash of color. According to your preferences, you can go with a sophisticated color scheme or a less conventional cottage garden style, complete with a spectrum of blossoms. Here are some vivid flowers that start with v to get you started.


First in the list of flowers that start with v is Verbana. The genus Verbena belongs to the Verbenaceae family of plants. Although there are various types of Verbena flowers, most Verbena varieties feature little clusters of flowers at the tip of thin stalks. Verbena blossoms are usually under one centimeter long and come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, purple, and yellow.

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Verbena, sometimes known as Vervain, is a perennial herb that is indigenous to Europe. Vervain has long been revered and recognized as a one-of-a-kind and miraculous plant. It is unique in that it has therapeutic powers. This blossom necessitates dampness and attracts birds and butterflies. Early Christians thought that Verbena Officinalis was used to treat Jesus’ injuries when he was taken down from the cross. The flower is venerated as divine because of its relationship with Passion of Christ.


Viburnum flowers are part of the Viburnum genus, which includes roughly 150 deciduous shrubs and small trees. Viburnums can be seen growing in North America, Europe, and Asia in woodlands, along sides of roads, and near waterways. Viburnum blooms are generally white, but they can also be pink.

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We all enjoy a pleasant-smelling garden, and viburnum is the ideal flower for it, rendering it a garden favorite. In the autumn, the bloom yields attractive berries as well as vibrant red or orange foliage. The berry-like fruit draws birds and butterflies, and the blossoms lure pollinators. Viburnums are adaptable plants that may thrive in a variety of soils, although they prefer rich, well-drained dirt soil.

Viola x Wittrockiana

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The Violaceae family includes Viola x wittrockiana (or garden pansy). Colors of Viola x Wittrockiana include blue, lavender, white, yellow, pink, and other hues. The blooms of some varieties also feature spots, making them an interesting addition to the list of flowers that start with v.

Tri-color Viola

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The Viola Tri-color features green leaves and purple, white, and yellow blooms. This blossom reaches a peak height of about 6 inches (0.15 m) and thrives in direct sunlight and wet soil, but it can also thrive in mild shade.

Viper’s Bugloss

Echium, or viper’s bugloss, is a genus of plants in the Boraginaceae family. Viper’s bugloss takes its title from its spikes of bright blue blooms. It’s a resilient, long-lived plant that takes little attention and flourishes in a variety of environments.

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The Echium vulgare is a disease-free species belonging to areas of Europe (mainly southern parts) and western and central Asia. They blossom from late spring to early autumn and can withstand dryness and extreme heat. It is important to mention that Vipers bugloss should not be consumed because it can cause stomach trouble.

Virginia Bluebells

Virginia Bluebells are a perennial wildflower that blooms from springtime to summer months and is a part of the borage family. Virginia Bluebells were the state flower of Virginia for four years in the 1920s and 1930s, until being substituted by the dogwood in 1940 or 1941.

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Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) are among the most attractive spring ephemerals, with grey-green foliage and pink blossom buds. They are native to North America and are spread through their seeds.

Virginia Sweetspire

Virginia Sweetspire is a lovely Virginia indigenous shrub with delightfully fragrant blossoms that thrives in both sun and shade. It’s a perennial, broad leaf flowering plant with an even distribution that reaches 3-8 feet (2.44 m) tall and wide. In ideal circumstances, it can grow higher. Based on the variety of Virginia Sweetspire you have, it normally blossoms in June or July.

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Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a tiny, spherical deciduous shrub native to North America. Birds, butterflies, and other hummingbirds are reported to flock to this bloom. Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire) is a low-maintenance plant that blooms best when left free. Around forest gardens, edges, and other areas, the Virginia Sweetspire flourishes.

Virginia Spiderwort

Virginia spiderwort is a plant of the eastern United States that can be found in forests, prairies, meadows, hillsides, stream banks, and wayside. It reaches two to three feet high and blossoms with three-petaled flowers that range in colour from blue to pink in the spring and summer.

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Virginia spiderwort thrives in most light situations and ordinary to damp, rich ground. Think about putting it in a wildflower garden or other naturalized area where it can expand freely due to its underlying stolons.

Violet Wood Sorrel

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Another name in the list of flowers that start with v is the Violet wood sorrel (Oxalis violacea). It’s a perennial with lavender to pinkish-purple flowers that add a feminine touch to the environment. It can be found in almost every section of the United States. It has flower groups on the stem and is bulbous in appearance. Violet wood sorrel is a lovely plant that can brighten up any home’s environment.

Venus Looking Glass

This unbranched wildflower, which seldom grows higher than a foot, has pale green leaves accented by little purple star-shaped blooms with pale necks in early June. Prairies, savannas, lakeside, deserted farms, and locations along roadways and railways in North America are all home to Venus looking glass. Venus looking glass prefers inadequate sandy or rocky soil and strong sun in its natural habitat.


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Vinca’s vibrant flowers stand out against a background of lustrous foliage, which stays fresh even on the harshest summer days. Encourage flowing cultivars to spill over the edges of dangling pots or other structures. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including pink, white, purple, and red, and often have a distinct “eye.” Vinca, a Madagascar endemic, flourishes in full light and can withstand drought.


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Valerian blooms in summer with light, lacy flower clusters that imitate Queen Ann’s lace or yarrow. The flowers, which have been used as a perfumery component in the past, have a wonderful scent. They also lure butterflies and self-seed freely, making them an excellent choice for cottage gardens. Valerian is a hardy plant that grows in direct sunlight to part shade in any humid, well-drained soil.


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All through the growth period, veronica, also known as speedwell, develops delicate plumes of pink to blue blooms. With so many varieties to choose from, this easy-to-grow plant can be used in nearly any setting, particularly rock gardens. Some varieties are used as groundcovers, while others have beautiful silver leaves. Veronica grows best in full sun and healthy, well-draining soil, and may survive drought once planted.


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Vetch is a genus of plants that includes everything from edible fava beans to North American wildflowers. Every one of these dangling or climbing herbaceous legumes have pink, white, yellow, or blue flowers and make wonderful ground covers. To encourage indigenous pollinators and prevent distributing possibly invasive species, use a local type such as American, Carolina, or Louisiana vetch.


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The whiskered faces of these beautiful little forest wildflowers give them away. Violets are often considered as cool-season annuals, despite the fact that many species are perennials. This is owing to their endurance of cold but not high heat. For early spring color, choose perennial species in shady gardens or annuals in pots or borders. Violets thrive in rich, organic soil and a variety of light situations, however they do prefer some midday shade.


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Last in the list of flowers that start with v is Vetchling. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an immature vetch- instead, it is a member of the pea family and is also referred to as the Meadow pea-vine. The blossoms of the vetchling emerge from racemes with brilliant yellow splashes. The blooms of the vetch are wonderful despite their size, thanks to their vivid color.

How magnificent and one-of-a-kind are these blooms that begin with the letter V? Many of these are simple to produce, maintain, and care for. Which one would you include in your garden?