Japan’s topography is comprised of 73% mountains and a 68.55% forest cover, which is located within the mountains. Such landscapes have nurtured the growth of a diverse combination of plants, including ornamental trees, shrubs, ferns, mosses.
Japanese flowers are a perfect addition to your garden since they are valued for being attractive and calming in nature. If you want to expand your garden, here are some popular flowers you can easily grow in your garden.
Azaleas or rhododendrons have been grown in Japanese gardens for many centuries. The flowers are highly valued for their vibrant colors and pleasing aroma. In modern times, a hybrid rhododendron has been developed that can grow past the spring season.
Rhododendrons require acidic soil for growth. If you have alkaline soil, you can lower the pH of the soil by adding acidifiers. Select an appropriate location in the garden that has good drainage and plenty of sunlight. You can enrich the soil by adding fertilizers or organic matter. Place the plant in the location and form a ring of soil near the external edge of the roots. This will help retain water in the area it is required.
Water the plant well for the initial few weeks and add mulch around the base of the plant. Trim your plants regularly and give them plant feed. Make sure to keep kids or pets away from them since rhododendrons are poisonous.
2. Sakura (cherry)
Japan is renowned for its famous cherry tree festivals that happen in March and April. Among the list of all Japanese flowers, this one is especially spectacular. Sakura consists of pink or white flowers that bloom in spring and have an almond scent. Their bright green leaves make the border more attractive. If you plant the paperbark cherry, you will see a reddish bark in the fall and winter.
Cherry trees need a rich and fertile soil with plenty of sunlight to grow in. Choose a spot that allows at least six hours of sunlight to enter each day. Since these trees can grow up to 30 feet in height, pick a planting site that will support the plant’s adult size.
Always plant your cherry tree after winter so that it can thrive. Keep 10 to 20 feet distance from other shrubs and select a location that is larger than the size of the plant’s roots. Add organic matter to enrich the texture of the soil. Position the plant and provide water to set the plant in place. To protect the root from changes in temperature, put wood chips or compost around it.
3. Peonies
Peonies are brightly colored ornamental flowers. They are easy to care for and are long-lasting in nature. Herbaceous and tree peonies are two of the most commonly grown types of peonies.
It is best to plant peonies in the fall or spring. These plants require 6-8 hours of sunlight every day.
Pick an area that has proper air circulation so that fungal diseases can be prevented. Plant peonies after preparing the soil with organic matter. Water them thoroughly and provide them plant feed regularly for healthy growth.
4. Wisteria
In many Japanese gardens, wisteria is hung over arches or large arbors. Walking underneath these flowers is the best way to enjoy their diverse colors and fragrance. It may be more challenging to cultivate a wisteria plant in comparison to other Japanese flowers. This is due to their spatial needs and pruning, which needs to be done bi-annually.
The ideal time to plant wisteria is fall or spring when the plant is dormant. Full sunlight is vital for flowers to bloom. Moist and well-drained soil is also required. Pick a site that is at least 15 feet distant from neighboring plants—wisteria can grow rapidly and overtake space occupied by other plants. Dig a hole three times wider than the size of the root and apply a layer of organic matter before planting. Some gardeners use phosphorus to help with flowering. Make sure you prune them every two weeks in the summer and once in late winter.
5. Styrax
Styrax are native Japanese flowers that are grown in small gardens. Their wide branches are filled with bell-shaped white flowers in summer. In fall, their pale green leaves turn into a bright yellow before falling. These flowers look splendid when planted near the edge of a pond or along a garden path.
Styrax needs loamy, clay, and sandy soils that are neutral or acidic in pH. It can grow well in full sun and tolerates very low temperatures. Plant it in an area that is sheltered from cold and dry winds and provide adequate amounts of water. Prune these trees annually to maintain their structure and prevent diseases.
6. Camellia
Camellia flowers can live up to hundreds of years. Their flowers have lush and shiny petals that look more appealing in the winter months. Based on the variety of the plant, flowers can be pink, red, or white in color and can be used as specimen plants.
Choosing the right location for your plant can reduce the amount of effort you spend on maintaining it. Acidic soil with pH between 6 and 6.5 that has good drainage is required. Apply organic matter to enrich the soil before putting the roots in them. Place your plants in a partially shaded region and avoid direct sunlight.
Make sure your shrub is not in an area where it will have to compete with another plant for nutrients. Provide consistent and generous irrigation to your plant until the roots are firmly established. Prune them at least once a year and use small amounts of fertilizer.

7. Hydrangea
Hydrangeas are famous, decorative Japanese flowers. Some of these flowers alternate between blue, pink, and white colors based on the acidity of the soil. They grow best in climates that have a mild summer and plenty of rainfall.
Light and moisture determine where hydrangeas thrive. They can grow in both sunlight and partial shade. Situate your plant in an area close to a water source. Before planting, you can add compost to the soil. Based on where you live, plant hydrangeas in either early spring or early fall. Water regularly and add three inches of mulch to prevent proliferation of weeds.
8. Iris
Iris can grow in moist soil year-round. These flowers require both water and fertilizer to grow and can produce flower stalks that are up to 5 feet tall. Iris flowers can be purple, blue, white, or yellow. Many hybrid plants can produce other colors like black, orange, and brown.
Put the roots of iris plants in sunny locations having good drainage. Roots should have enough space between them and should not be buried entirely. They should be placed partly above the ground to prevent rotting of the roots.
Add water and fertilizer for a consistent yield. Once the flowers have faded, allow the foliage to remain and turn into yellow prior to removing them from the flower bed. Plant so that flowers that bloom later provide a cover over the leftover foliage. As is the case with many spring flowers, the foliage is giving nutrients to the roots for flowers of the following year.
9. Lotus
Lotus is not an exclusively Japanese flower, since they are also found in many regions of the world. If you have a pond or similar water body in your garden, then that would be the ideal spot for growing your lotus. A centerpiece in gardens, these flowers can be accompanied by leaves that grow up to 3 feet in diameter. You can grow smaller varieties of this plant in your garden as long as the roots do not get frozen. Based on the variety, the flower can be pink, blue, red, white, or purple.
Lotus needs lots of sunlight and warm water to grow. You may initially receive your lotus as a tuber, which needs to be kept in a warm pot. Add some sand in the bottom of the pot, followed by layers of clay soil. Put the tuber inside with the tips facing upwards that will eventually grow into leaves. Cover the tuber with some more soil and gently add water. Make sure that you keep the tuber watered regularly and avoid sunlight until leaves begin to show.
Once you see the leaves, put your plant in sunlight and gently start adding water. You can slowly take your lotus plant and place it in water. Flowers usually bloom after several weeks.
10. Magnolia
Magnolias are deciduous plants that bloom in late winter. They produce fragrant pink and white flowers. They are a slow grower and reach up to 20 feet in height. They are widely used as ornamental plants and live for many years.
Planting magnolias is a relatively easy process. Select the variety that you wish to plant. Pick a location that has access to sunlight and is away from neighboring plants. The soil should be acidic and proper drainage. Make a hole that is at least 1.5 times the size of the root and position the root in a way that the top root is visible. Apply compost to the surrounding soil. Water well until the trees are established and use a fertilizer until the flower buds are fully formed.