What diseases do roses get? There are roses and then there are roses with no hassle. Disease resistant roses are those which are free from getting mildew, mold, rust and black spot. If you love roses and are dreaming of the ideal rose garden, then you will obviously want roses that remain pristine and clean. Many varieties of roses are plagued with trouble. These are attractive and grow large blooms, but over a period, they don’t stay good-looking.
Troublesome Roses
Many expert breeders swear by fungicides to treat roses that are prone to disease. There are also cures available to treat such types of flowers. Nonetheless, these aren’t ideal for the ecosystem to thrive, namely the sustainability of bee and hummingbird life. As a result, more and more gardeners choose not to use such substances. Solutions to this problem have resulted in breeding disease resistant roses. These trouble free blooms are grown with health and strength. They ensure no hassle with rust and all the other pesky rose conditions. With such roses, you will have a permanent display of beautiful flowers.
With new breeding techniques, there are lots of new varieties of roses to choose from in the category of disease free roses. Easy to grow and convenient to tend to, these roses won’t suck the life out of you. Instead, they will breathe new life into your garden. Old gallica and rugosa types are free from disease. Have a go at planting these delightful blooms that come in various petal types and colors.

Heirloom Roses
While most flower and rose lovers adore hybrid tea roses, they are the most disease prone flowers. The older rose varieties such as old garden roses are naturally fragrant and disease resistant roses. Such roses are the predecessors of the newer lot that green thumbs grow these days. Some gardeners claim that these “old-fashioned roses” may date back to the Roman Empire.
Most people like the more flamboyant kinds of roses, so these tend to be their last choice. They only discover that the extravagant blooms they planted so enthusiastically are rife with disease. Old roses offer a more subtle beauty. They are hardy and grow well in cold climates as well as warm. Heirlooms consist of albas, centifolias, bourbons, damask roses, gallicas, rugosa roses and noisettes primarily. There are many more on offer too.
Landscape Rose Varieties
The form of the foliage of these types of roses are shrub-like, and so they are named “landscape roses”. They grow in large groups and are perfect for landscaping in gardens. Over a large space, they offer a carpet of color and a very strong fragrance. The growth habit of these roses is more horizontal in nature. Roots grow along ground areas like ramblers. As a result, these can be invasive, but its worth having them in isolation in your garden.
Planted as mass flowers, these disease resistant roses are ideal as hedge rows. Since they form roots themselves, they are chosen to prevent soil erosion on slopes that are steep. Planted en masse, these roses habitually bloom repeatedly. Consequently, they add depth to the landscape and a ton of drama.
Lady of Shallot Rose
The Lady of Shallot is a shrub-like rose variety that is very robust, with lush foliage. The leaves are a medium green shade. This rose is an extremely disease resistant rose. Stems appear quaint and arch-like. You can grow it over a trellis and it becomes a pretty climber. It is short and won’t climb to a great height, but its full buds look very elegant. Roses have a mild tea fragrance and come in yellow-orange colors.
Whisper Rose
Looking like a topping of whipped cream over a cup cake, this white rose is very resistant to mildew and black spots. Rust does not even enter the picture. Growing like a demon, this rose grows up to heights of 4 feet and widths of 5 feet. Flowering by itself every Spring and again in Summer, it sports a mild fragrance. Growing into the quintessential pure white rose, buds are creamy looking. The foliage is a dark bottle-green, so the contrast is vivid and eye-catching. You can grow it as a standard pot rose or a climber.
Peace Rose
This famous cream-to-light pink rose has won awards for its beauty. Grown as a hardy shrub or a climber, it adds a sweet fragrance to your porch or garden. It needs sunlight, but thrives in cool and pleasant weather. It grows to a medium height.
Brindabella Rose
These roses are disease resistant roses with a fruity aroma that tickles the senses. Versatile and tough, they can grow well in hot weather as well as in the cold climate. They have stark dark green foliage and can grow to 1 meter in height. You can plant them in pots or as a bush.
Charles de Mills Rose
As gallica roses go, this one is a winner, and a trouble free rose type. It looks especially lovely as it is a bright magenta colored flower with completely double layers of petals. Flowers bear a heady fragrance and you can grow this as a shrub, or a hedge-like border and have other flowers in the center.
Samba Rose
Available in cool shades of dark pink and yellow bi-colored blooms to white and yellow single shaded flowers, the Samba is a spreader. It can cover an area of 2 feet in width and grow up to heights of 4 feet. It has a subtle fragrance and is a hybrid tea rose which is a disease resistant rose as well. This is rare for hybrid tea roses. It has a long life, and can live for up to thirty years. An award-winning rose, it needs six hours of sun a day with well drained soil conditions. You just need to prune it a bit after its blooming season is over and it will grow itself during the Spring again.
Boscobel Rose
A healthy and very bushy rose, Boscobel is robust with deep red coloring when it has buds. When the flower blooms into a full rose, it is salmon pink. The flower has a dense set of petals and looks very vibrant and full-headed. The unique quality about this disease resistant rose is that it produces a fragrance that blends the aromas of almond, pear and elder flower. It doesn’t spread too much and grows nicely in a window box or a pot.
Knock Out Roses
There are a number of roses under this heading, some being called “Razzle Dazzle” and “Carefree Beauty”. Guaranteed to be one of the best disease resistant roses around, it is very easy to maintain as well. These beauties are self-cleaning flowers. This means there’s no dead-heading to do on your part. They can live very well in dry weather. They grow up to 4 feet tall and as much in width. Butterflies adore their nectar and the plant blooms from Spring to October. It makes for great border or screening plant.