The Ranunculus family comprises more than 600 varieties. They include varieties
like Spearworts, Buttercups and Water Crowfoots. The blooms differ in colors, shapes and sizes. Ranunculus are used as cut flowers in bouquets. The cut flowers can last for up to a week.
The name Ranunculus is derived from the Latin words rana and unculus. These words mean “frog” and “little”. This name is inspired from the fact that the flowers bloomed on rivers during spring. This is the season when frogs make an appearance. Some species of Ranunculus become food for other plants and animals. Some species are used for decorative purposes in items like bouquets.Let’s look at some types of Ranunculus.
1.Ranunculus “Accolade”
This charming flower with dual-toned petals can add warmth to any garden. The petals with pink and yellow tones give a unique look to the flower. The blooms can last for three weeks in a cool, shady spot.
2. Ranunculus ‘Cloni Dark Orange’.
These blooms look like English Roses. They contain several coatings of huge, attractive sepals and a huge flower head. The variety in Italy is grown under controlled condition to ensure superior standard and uniformity of blooms.
3. Ranunculus Repens.
Also called Creeping Buttercup this large type of Ranunculus can grow to a height of 12 inches (ca. 30 cm) in height and 2 feet (0.61 m) in width. They bloom quickly in moist soil and shady environment. The bloom period is Spring. The leaves have the shape of snowflakes. They have a beige or greenish yellow color. The sepals of flowers have a bright-yellow color.
4. Rhone Pink.
This Ranunculus is a Japanese native. It is exported from Japan to the rest of the world. These flowers are popular in bridal bouquets due to their fragile pink petals. The blooms also have layers of lime-green petals which combine well with the pink petals to give an enchanting look to the flower. They are sold in large commercial floral shops.
5. Ranunculus Alpestris.
This tough plant grows to a height of two inches. The white flowers bloom profusely in spring. They are usually grown in a raised bed.
6. Ranunculus ‘Bloomindale’.
This plant is one of the tallest species of butter cups. The plant grows to a height of 6 inches (ca. 15 cm) or more. The flowers bloom in a variety of pastel and jewel shades. The blooms have the shape of bowls. Petals of these flowers grow in many layers and look like they are piled on each other. Due to their attractiveness, they are cultivated for use as cut flowers.
7. Ranunculus Buttercup.(Ranunculus bulbosus)
This plant has a huge, round base and grows to a height of 16 inches (ca. 41 cm). The flowers are made up of five dark yellow petals. The blooms have a gleaming, wax-like coat on their petals which return light. Buttercup varieties have 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide flowers. They have stalkless foliage. These type of Ranunculus can thrive in dry grassland and lime-rich soil. It is common to find these flowers in pastures, meadows and sand dunes. These flowers are commonly found in England and Scotland.
8. Early Buttercup (Ranunculus Fascicularis).
This variety is also known as Prairie or Tufted buttercup. This plant blooms in April and May. The tiny plant grows to a maximum height of 1 foot. The plant prefers moist and well-drained soil but can grow in varied lighting conditions. The bright yellow petals of these flowers are long and thin. You should handle the plant carefully as it has the potential to cause gastrointestinal problems if consumed. The plant also causes skin irritations when in contact with the skin for a long period.
9. Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris).
This is a tall variety of buttercup which can reach a height of 3 feet (0.91 m). This upright and hairy plant is everlasting. The bloom period is from May to August. This buttercup has unique leaves at the base. The leaves are split to 3 to 7 jagged and sharply cut lobes. This tall plant has tiny flowers measuring only an inch in width. This buttercup is commonly found in America. The blooms are unaffected by the snow. They grow easily in meadows and forest clearings.
10. Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus).
This native of Europe and Aisa thrives abundantly in America. The huge blooms have petals which resemble a poppy. Bloom period is in spring and the flower can be 3 to 5 inches (ca. 13 cm) wide. The flowers bloom in different colors. This plant grows to a height of about 2 feet (0.61 m) and blooms in May and June. Persian Buttercup prefers bright sunlight and moist, well-drained soil. This type of Ranunculus is popularly used as cut flowers in bouquets and decorations.
11. Purple Picotee.
Another variety of buttercup with attractive blooms. The petals have a brilliant white color with violet-purple borders. Petals have wrinkles and fluffy texture. They require full sunlight and wet soil with good drainage.
12. Ranunculus aconitifolius.
This buttercup has milky sepals and a pointy yellow center. The blooming period is in May. This plant prefers wet conditions and bright sunlight. This type of Ranunculus can grow up to two feet in length and width. The plant has hairy leaves which grow in clusters. It easily grows in places like mountains, ditches, streams and meadows.
13. Ranunculus cortusifolius.
The huge yellow petals of this easy growing plant will remind you of tropical hibiscus. The blooms have huge yellow centers. Spring is the blooming period and it lasts for 3 months. This type of Ranunculus needs only average moisture and bright sheltered area.
14. Ranunculus nivalis.
This type of Ranunculus is also known as Snow Buttercup. The fragile yellow overlaying petals have an inward curve. This plant is favoured by gardeners in cold climate.
15. Silver Shamrocks.
Also known as Summer buttercups or the Shamrock, this tiny plant grows to a height of 3 inches (ca. 8 cm). The pink and white blooms are perched atop silver colored leaves. This easily grown plant looks great as a cut flower.
16. Tango.
Shrouds of dark reddish orange sepals give this type of Ranunculus an appearance similar to a rose. The thin straight stems are yellow-green in color. This plant does not require any pesticides and can be easily grown.
17. Ranunculus Ficaria.
This type of Ranunculus is a wildflower found in North America. The plant grows close to the ground and it is perennial. Some areas consider the cultivation of this plant as unlawful due to its invasive properties.
18. Amandine Rose.
This plant is among Holland’s most triumphant exports. The blooms resemble a huge pink rose. Petals of the flowers grow in messy layers. This type of Ranunculus grows in cool spring climate. It has many sub species and is sure to become the centre of attraction in your garden.
19. Early Wood Buttercup (Ranunculus abortivus).
Also called the Kidney-leaf or Little-leaf buttercup this type of Ranunculus grows well in wet woodlands in the United States. The leaves are kidney shaped and the plant grows up to 2 feet (0.61 m) in height. The blooming period is from April to July. The tiny blooms have scattered dainty petals. This plant grows well in shade and prefers rich, wet soil. The sap of the plant can cause skin irritation.
20. Lyallii.
Originally from New Zealand, this type of Ranunculus has white blooms with huge circular leaves. The flowers have a dark yellow center. The plant grows to a height of 3 feet (0.91 m) and prefers cool summers.
21. Mache.
This buttercup blooms two weeks earlier than other varieties. The bloom is attractive. The dark green leaves give a lovely look to the dense plant.
22. Swamp Buttercup (Ranunculus Septentrionalis)
True to its name this plant prefers to grow around water bodies. The deeply cut leaves are spread over the ground. This tiny plant grows to a height of only 6 inches (ca. 15 cm).
23. California Buttercup. (Ranunculus Californicus)
As the name suggests this buttercup is found across California. Unlike other buttercups, the blooms of this variety have 9-17 petals. The petals are shinier as compared to other species. The stems grow up to 2 foot.
24. Birdfoot Buttercup (Ranunculus Pedatifidus)
This type of Ranunculus is also called Northern buttercup or surefoot buttercup. They are found in Norway and northern North America. The plant grows to a height of 18 inches (ca. 46 cm). The leaves are hairy and have split leaf blades. Blooms have 10 dark yellow petals. Some flowers may be without petals. This plant can withstand cold climates. It is a hardy plant which grows in arctic regions.
25. Kashubian Buttercup (Ranunculus Cassubicus).
Named after the Cassubian tribes, this plant grows to a height of two and a half feet. The kidney-shaped leaves at the base of the plant are lengthy and hairy. The tiny golden yellow blooms have a width of one inch. This plant can be found in Baltics, northern Russia and the Alps.